The Forgotten忆昔社
社团名称:The Forgotten忆昔社
这里是The Forgotten忆昔,一个对少数民族文化传承有一股独特情怀的新社团。建立这个社团的初心是社长在参加YOC的过程中发现了好多很美却又不为人知的少数民族文化,遗憾的是,有的文化还没等到人们了解它就已经消失了。所以为了让更多人感受到少数民族的文化魅力,The Forgotten诞生啦!或许在你的印象里,少数民族很无趣,那你不妨继续往下读。尤其是对人文社科(哲学、经济学、政治学、社会学、历史、法律专业、语言学、教育学、心理学、人类学、传媒专业、神学和宗教、艺术史、考古学等)感兴趣的同学请多多关注我们哦!
The Forgotten, a novel cultural community protecting ethnic minorities' heritage, aims to promote many unrecognized folk-custom created and inherited by Chinese ethnic descendants. Since numerous folkways and traditional treasures have been disappearing swiftly, even before we recognized them, The Forgotten established the online platform appealing to more readers to embrace the cultural charm made by ethnic minorities. This program covers multi-grounds from humanities & social sciences including Folklore, Linguistics, Media Studies, History, Laws, Archeology, Politics, Sociology, Philosophy, Theology, and Religion.
2021-2022学年社长/副社长:林家丞 Angelina,胡峻旗 Hale