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Fred Chen Class of 2019

Good afternoon teachers, school administrators, family members, distinguished guests,

and my fellow graduates of the Class of 2019. My name is Fred Chen Jiahui, and I am more than honored and thrilled to speak to you today.

For many of us attending this graduation ceremony, 2019 symbolizes departure from things that once filled our lives.

We say farewell to our favorite Starks in Game of Thrones and the Avengers, we say farewell to the family mart, the 85℃ bakery, the cosmetic shop that had been on “suicidal” sale for every single day of the past three years, and, above all, we would have to say farewell to HFI and each other. As such, it is a time worthy of reflecting and cherishing our past journeys.

A contemporary Chinese novelist once remarked: “The key to succeeding in a field is to choose a small field.”

Personally, I find it to be one of the guiding principles of my life. At the same time, I am proud to say that every HFI student is incredibly successful, for each one of us has been so unique in our personalities, thinking, and accomplishments.

We have literature enthusiasts and poets like Randow and Arisun, geeks like Johanna, Jonathan, Shriffer, and elite athletes like Amy and Jack.

We have Henry Zhou, who self-taught himself nearly all of the college physics while I was struggling with right-hand rule, and made “MDZZ” a catchphrase for virtually all HFI students.

We have Xiran Tan, the founder of a mysterious cult of sleeping among sleep-deprived HFI students, who spent days to make herself a Hogwarts name before entering HFI and changed back to her Chinese name at senior year after finding her own cultural roots.

I believe it is exactly the diversity of our student body that makes HFI such an excellent place for everyone to learn and thrive.

Each day, we live and learn from each other about the wonders of the world, about the infinite possibilities of our lives, and, of course, about how to make funny videos for our Wechat moments when lives are tough.

Yes, I am talking about you, Charles, thank you for showing us the power of optimism and humor, and see you in HKU Medical School this fall. 

While we are different and brave enough to think big, we are also willing to do small.

The Class of 2019 has made many things possible. Together, we held an International Day, a Halloween Party, and the most memorable Christmas party throughout our three years in HFI. Besides school, our students are empowering minorities in our society, conducting research on social stratification and fuel efficiency, and actively changing our surrounding world for the better. 

Small deeds can accumulate into great undertakings, and I have no doubt that we are all taking steps into a brighter future.

At the beginning of this school year, Mr. Six, our beloved AP Psychology teacher, gave us a character strength test, in which the strength of gratitude ranked 24th among the 24 character strengths I possess. Just as Mr. Six has also taught us the importance of resilience and a positive mindset, today I am going to practice my strength of gratitude by expressing my thanks to everyone who has made our journeys in HFI possible.

Firstly, I would like to thank our parents and family members, for always guiding us as role-models,  supporting us with unconditional love in times of difficulties and frustration, and being the source of money in our Wechat and Ali Pay accounts. 

I would also like to thank our school administrators and college counselors, for creating this enriching environment, helping us organize student activities, and accompanying us to walk through all challenges and opportunities.

At last, I would like to express my thanks to our wonderful faculty members for endowing our knowledge and integrity. Ms. North taught us to stay gold and to avoid single stories. George and Geoffrey taught us how to use calculus to understand the normal distribution and Gaussian Law. Wendy and Delia taught us the power of rhetoric, and how we can use the English language to learn more and think better. Mr. A and Mr. Frost taught us twice that Jesus Christ wasn’t born on 0 AD. And I promise that is definitely not the only thing I have learned from your AP History classes.

Most graduation speeches finish with a central theme, and mine was inspired by the last line of the Great Gatsby by F. Fitzgerald, which offers this insight into the essence of life: “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”

Under the context of the novel, the quote is supposed to convey the emptiness of the American society after World War I, but I find it pertinent to our lives in HFI and the future that we are about to set off.

As the new generation of the world, we are prone to explore, to contemplate, to challenge, and to do things that no one has done before.

Yet we get lost from time to time, for many of our paths have been, and will continue to be winding but not straight. And in times like this, we are likely to feel stuck and hindered.

Should we encounter such times of hesitance and uncertainty in the future, I hope each of us can look back to these days that we have spent with each other, and remember that we are all in the same boat together no matter how far we go. What is left may never leave, and I hope that our past experience can be our future fuel to sail through the currents of life, with each time being stronger, brighter, more humane, and more passionate.

The future begins today. Thank you, and congratulations graduates of the Class of 2019. I love you three thousand.



以及宇宙无敌劲爆巨强狂拽酷炫秀炸天的HFI 2019届毕业生,大家下午好。我是毕业生陈嘉辉,今天非常荣幸能在此做毕业演讲。























